start a blog

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  1. OMG I never thought starting a blog was this easy. I’m a consultant for a network marketing company, and my team has been really excited to tap into the internet. The problem is, none of us have any clue where to start.

    This guide makes it really simple. I tried having my son explain how to blog to me, and I know that he knows what he’s doing. It’s explaining it to people like me that’s difficult.

    I can’t wait! I’m going to do all of the technical stuff first, and then move on to making my first blog post. I had no clue any of this stuff was going on, and to be honest I didn’t even know what GoDaddy was. Jonathan, you made it really simple for an old timer like me!

  2. Some great stuff in here. I’m starting a new blog right away, about water filtration and how to get clean, healthy water for your home. I’m an expert in the subject – ok, not the world’s foremost authority or anything, but pretty knowledgeable, and I know what to write about.

  3. Thanks for this clean and relevant post. I really didn’t know how vulnerable I was to attackers, but I feel really safe getting started now.

    I’m a big fan of your writing, and have been listening to your podcast for a while. My favorite part is that you open up the world of internet marketing and business for newcomers. You broke down the process of starting a new blog, step by step. You even revealed what to watch out for, in terms of domains and hosting companies.

    I LOVE this series. I don’t know what I want to write about yet, but I know what interests me, and I love sharing with like-minded people. I think this will be an incredible tool to get my foot in the door and begin something in the area of communication.

  4. What Jonathan Green says about blogging, domain and hosting companies is correct. I personally choose WordPress for many of the same reasons as he does.

    First off, it’s an open source platform. This means that people can begin using it for free. Also, because there’s such a huge community developing plugins, templates and other integration software for it, there’s huge access to exactly what you need for your blog.

    Second, buying a domain is a tricky process. He navigates through the treacherous waters, and holds your hand so that you’re off to a great start. One of the major things that I’ve learned in business is pointed out right at the beginning of the article. If you aren’t thorough and build a proper foundation, you’ll have to go all the way back and start over. There aren’t any short cuts.

  5. These are some great resources. It might seem like a huge investment to pay for a domain name, and to host your website. I think the most freeing thing that Jonathan does here, is to share that blogs are a great way to make money.

    At the end of the day, the costs are a drop in the bucket once you see the dramatic amount of traffic that pulls through. To be fair, blogging about information that people like is almost free, compared to paid options, and you can experiment to your heart’s delight.

    Just pay attention to what he recommends. If you follow his advice, you’ll be up and running in no time, even if you’re a beginner. To think that this competent guide is only the tip of the ice burg for this series! Keep ‘em coming Jon!

  6. I feel quite safe following your rules about getting started. There’s a lot of information, whether good or bad, and it’s a tough job to keep readers both informed and interested.

    I think you’ve done a really good job. All flattery aside, I know what it takes to gain traction in the search engines with a blog, as well as how to engage cold audiences via social media.

    Recommending and teaching WordPress all the way though it exceptionally helpful, because you can embed videos to go along with the text. Because Google takes a while to index your site for the first few months, it’s really important to have content that keeps your readers on the page. When Google sees that, there’s a good chance they’ll bump up your site.

    On the other hand, it’s a great way to m