SNM005: Start a Blog so that You Can Quit Your Job
There are many ways to make money online and it is easy to get overwhelmed. The key to success is to take action fast. Like Jim said back in episode 3, the ability to execute is very valuable. Most people can’t execute. We get frozen by too many options. The people who execute always rise to the top. I am always trying to find people with this simple ability to grow my business.
Rather than getting caught up in all the choices, you need to take action immediately. Train yourself to take action to break through paralysis of analysis.
Start your blog today.
I started my business with an anonymous blog about my dating life many years ago. I thought nobody would be interested and it was more of a private diary. Somehow it exploded and helped me build my business. Blogging helps you become a better writer, find your voice and establish good working habits. Blogging on a schedule is the key to success. We need to build strong habits right out the gate.
My blog was found by an amazing publisher and together we produced Girl Gets Ring.
Overcome the obstacles.
Your first name idea might not be available. Don’t give up. Keep trying new ideas and brilliance will strike when you least expect it. Serve No Master was my twentieth idea. My first idea was called bloggers without borders, but that site wasn’t available. I looked recently and there is nothing there. It’s a dead site.
Want to get more blog subscribers and build your fan base? Download my free guide "Get Your First 100 Fans" Click here to get the guide.
I now have a site that represents me, my brand and my vision for the future. Serve No Master is my definition of freedom.
My name is too common, so there was no hope of getting
It might take 20 names to find the right one, but it will be worth it. When you find the name you like, grab it immediately before it disappears.
The process of setting up your blog.
Separate hosting and registration companies. I use Namecheap and ASmallOrange. This creates a firewall between your two accounts and can protect you if your site is hacked.
Sending money demonstrates you are serious about building a business. Do not cut corners by starting If you don’t own the website, then you can never make money and you have no control over your destiny. You have chained yourself to a digital master.
Start simple and then work on looks. Your site can be ugly at first. This website is still not where I want it to be. Appearance is not your primary goal. Don’t lose track of the purpose of your website. Lock into that single goal and stay the path.
When you build a website and post on your blog, you see what it’s like to put your message into the universe.
Post your blog URL in the comments below, so that I can visit you!
It’s not how good your blog looks or WHAT you’re doing right now, it is that you are finally taking action. You must transition from learning to action mode. When listening to my podcast or reading blog posts, you are in a receptive state of mind. This is an inactive mindset. Transition into an action state of mind to achieve success.
The 80/20 rule.
It is better to get a partial message out than no message at all. I was just talking to a friend yesterday. He knows someone who has been working on a website for THREE YEARS. If you visit the website, there is nothing there. It stills says “under construction.” Do not throw time away with indecision.
Perfection is the enemy of success.
Action Steps:
- Buy a website name today
- Set up a hosting account and start your blog
- Share the link to your website below the notes for this episode
Resources Mentioned:
How to Set Up Your Blog (step-by-step)
GirlGetsRing (my first published book)
ASmallOrange (hosting)
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com
Namecheap: I buy and register all my domains with Namecheap. I have been using them for over ten years and there is no better recommendation is there? Secure your domain now and begin your online domination!
Want to get more blog subscribers and build your fan base? Download my free guide "Get Your First 100 Fans" Click here to get the guide.
Here’s my latest blogpost:
Here’s my first blog post. Granted, there’s MUCH more work to be done here, but I’m taking action and am looking forward to the benefits I can see coming my way.
I’m already living a semi-ex-pat lifestyle, but still serving a master. A magnificent dictator of sorts, but still limiting my talents, potential, and desires. It’s time to make a change.
I’m in. It will be hard to study, write, and network outside the current office but I’m looking forward to being able to do “this” in and around Bavaria for a number of years to come.
My best from Bavaria…
Thought I’d submitted a comment here yesterday. Hmmm…is it old age creeping up on me or just a comment not vetted.
In any case, I’ll drop one of my new addresses here. No, this isn’t my first rodeo, but this is one where I’ll actually get on the bull.
Tschuss! And my best from Bavaria.
Hi Jonathan…Please tell me what you think. I started this blog because I’m passionate about helping just be themselves but I find it difficult to monetize this site. Please let me know what you think.
Thank You,
Hi Jonathan,
I can’t say thank you enough for getting this information out into the world. I have read Serve No Master twice, have been listening to your podcast and reading your blog. I have always wanted to start my own blog but never really knew what to write about or even how to get started! You have definitely inspired me to light a fire under my butt and get going. I started putting my blog together about a week ago and just went live today. Here is the link:
Thank you again for everything you do. Please keep up the great work! 🙂
Best regards,
Hey Jonathan, would you make a podcast strictly dedicated to picking a blog/website name, moving past the perfectionism, and just choosing? For me, it’s really really hard to choose one. In fact, I did choose one — — yet I even went so far, almost, of cancelling it and getting a refund, and starting all over again. I took action and now I’m doubting myself and my perfection meter — really a block to make me NOT take action — is kicking in and preventing me from moving forward. I notice myself doing this perfectionism this over and over again.
It’s crazy. At least I notice it though….
But I do have a legitimate question and concern — how do I choose a great name that captures my niche? And how do I choose a niche? I’m noticing that I really want something that encompasses ALL of my potential posts rather than something specific like “,” which is all about men’s body hair, or “,” which might be about that, only.
So many options that I can’t make up my mind. I guess what I’m saying is there is a legitimate concern about choosing a good name, AND, there’s a legitimate concern about just choosing something and going for it. Where’s the middle ground?
Please weigh in her. I’m sure not to be the only one.
I like to have a title that gives me room to grow. For example, my products in the men’s niche are under the brand “Ideal Male” because we can go in multiple directions as the brand grows. It allows us to figure out what the audience wants without being too limited. Of course you can always change your website as you grow, I’ve done that a few times. Better to just do it than to get stuck in paralysis analysis.