SNM140: Machine Gun Books
Quantity is a quality all of its own. The more books you have on Amazon, the more money you will make.
After studying some of my Amazon heroes, I’m dedicated to increasing my Amazon library as quickly as possible.
It all starts with planning and I do most of mine using one of my favorite outliner apps.
Build a Series
Right now I’m writing books along two series, Serve No Master and The Habit of Success.
By keeping my books in two series, Amazon will work as my ally.
Each time a reader finished a book in the series, Amazon immediately recommends the next one.
Ready to leave the job you hate and find the fastest path to online wealth? Learn the best asset you have right now to leverage income and build financial run way in my bestseller "Fire Your Boss." Click here to download the book for free.
When a reader is engaged with your books, they are more likely to click that “next book” button.
[easy-tweet tweet=”Make it as easy for your readers to buy more books from you.” user=”ServeNoJonathan” hashtags=”servenomaster”]
Putting your books into series increases your customer value and gives them a better experience.
I read a lot of books and I HATE when I have to guess the order of books in a series.
That little mistake turns me against authors all the time.
They don’t even number their books, so I have to search all over the Internet to find the correct order.
They make it too hard to buy their books.
How Long is a Book
Serve No Master books are long.
It takes me a very long time to edit a book in that series.
Books in the Habit of Success collection are around twenty thousand words long.
I can write one in a single day and edit in the next.
Shorter books pay more per word than longer books.
I make more money from my shorter books and I can finish them faster.
After I finish Control Your Fate, you will notice that I focus on my shorter books for the rest of the year.
These books are faster to write AND they are easier to consume.
Short, one-problem books come with one solution.
Find out how I crank out books so quickly on today’s episode.
Show Notes:
Key Points:
- Dictation is a force multiplier
- Shorter books are more profitable
- More books = more income
Resources Mentioned:
Kindle Book Description Generator
Most other links can be found in my TOOLBOX
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com
Ready to leave the job you hate and find the fastest path to online wealth? Learn the best asset you have right now to leverage income and build financial run way in my bestseller "Fire Your Boss." Click here to download the book for free.