SNM012: Surround Yourself With Success
The people around us control our destiny. Bad friends can pull us back with the force of gravity. We become the average of our closest friends; if they don’t want to start a new business, they will actively slow down or stop your progress.
Spend time with people further up the mountain for motivation and guidance and wisdom.
Surround yourself with people who don’t believe and they will kill your faith; their lack of faith will block your implementation.
When you have a new idea, people will either tell you reasons why you shouldn’t even try or they will encourage you. Only spend time with encouragers.
I am still working on the forum and will share a link when it’s ready 😉
The execution of an idea is what creates reality. Taking action and joining groups and going to events where you can encounter the people who can help you – that is how you create luck.
Ready to get promotions, form alliances and boost your income? It's time to become a networking master. Download my free guide "Networking Blackbelt" today. Click here to get the guide.
Successful Friends Give You Money
Imagine you have a small online business that makes $1000 a month. You are in a group of people who all make $5000 a month. Someone offers Sally a job that pays $3000 a month. She’ll turn it down because it’s a pay cut. She will then pass on the opportunity to you. She just tripled your monthly income.
This is why you MUST learn and implement networking and Surround Yourself With Success.
Your friends will see these opportunities as “luck,” but you know that you have the ability to make your own luck when you apply the Serve No Master mindset to your life.
Key Points:
- You become the average of the people you invest time with
- Your circle can build you up or bring you down
- Implementation of proper networking turns luck into a variable you control
Resources Mentioned:
Networking Empire (coming soon)
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com
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Ready to get promotions, form alliances and boost your income? It's time to become a networking master. Download my free guide "Networking Blackbelt" today. Click here to get the guide.