SNM027: Turn Your Heroes into Business Partners
My entire business is built upon a network. Originally, every single member was a hero that I admired. I turned my heroes into my business partners, and you can do the same thing.
Be Pro-Active
Most people never try to reach out to their heroes. We assume that nothing we do will matter, and that is our justification for inaction. We notice reviews, we respond to emails, and we appreciate people who help to spread our message. Being successful does not remove someone’s humanity.
Without reviews products, books, podcasts and everything else will fade away. There are entire businesses built upon getting people more reviews. There are massive companies that fight tooth and nail to get their customers a few measly reviews. In the modern digital structure, you have massive power as a customer and fan.
Choose Something Achievable
Everyone focuses on the Rockstar. They are all chasing number one, but if you focus on number two you can change your destiny. Start hanging out with the panel speakers and you will end up meeting the head of the entire conference face-to-face. Be strategic with your efforts.
Focus on the Positive
I don’t want to hear about your weaknesses. Tell me the areas where you are strong. Mention in passing when you are open to different projects. Demonstrate that you are tenacious and have the ability to execute. This will separate you from the crowd, and amazing projects will start to drift your way.
Key Points:
- Choose Your Hero
- Get on His Radar
- Position Yourself for Opportunity
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to get promotions, form alliances and boost your income? It's time to become a networking master. Download my free guide "Networking Blackbelt" today. Click here to get the guide.
Networking Empire (coming soon)
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com
Ready to get promotions, form alliances and boost your income? It's time to become a networking master. Download my free guide "Networking Blackbelt" today. Click here to get the guide.