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  1. Great post Jonathan,

    I can relate my own journey to yours in so many ways.

    The fact that is actually Job Vulnerability and not Job Security should
    inspire more people to take control of their own security and by that
    I mean create multiple passive income streams.

    Thanks again

    James Hughes

  2. Hello Jonathan,

    having been fired multiple times, I can related to job insecurity.

    To multiple income streams!


    Keith Headley

  3. I am determined to take control of my future. I stay at home with my children, so I don’t exactly have an income to lose, but my husband does, and that’s about the same thing. I see an opportunity here to follow the framework that you have already laid out, and I’m grateful that you have taken the time to share your knowledge. Thank you.

  4. I have always worked for myself, but it’s been a rollercoaster. I’m either flush with cash or struggling. I want to streamline my income so that there are no more dips in my income. I want to create a strong, passive source of income utilizing my many skills and talents. Your podcasts are helping me identify how to create the life I deserve. Thank you for this great resource and guidance!