How to Build a Business Coaching Website – Step-by-Step 2022
A coaching business is where you share knowledge with others. As a life coach, wellness coach or any type of coach, you’re the one people turn to when they have questions.
Getting a business online is crucial to seeing more clients, and it’s now easy to do that with the internet and social media. However, that means building a life coaching website.
You need the best website design to promote your online presence. Show others that you’re focused on life coaching and helping them with a site that wows the crowd. Let’s learn more!
Online Courses and Online Coaching
Most coaching businesses rely on social media and online courses to get traffic. In a sense, life coaching is conveying knowledge you’ve gained throughout the years to others. A website can show your work to attract new clients and is crucial for success.
Let’s break down the top coaching businesses out there:
- Web Design Coaches – These professionals teach web design, including programming languages, how to start, and popular CMS software. Career coaches can offer ideas, show others how to build websites, and focus on ways to maintain them. Designers behind this coaching business are often acclaimed professionals.
- Life Coaches – These wellness professionals help people in their daily lives. Their objectives cover various aspects, so they’re broken down into business coaches and more.
Generally, a career coach is helpful for promoting your brand or learning about a business.
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However, a life coach can focus on many aspects and can include:
- Weight loss coach
- Health coach
Typically, a health coach assists with all types of health-related issues.
Your coaching business should have a trustworthy, valuable, and dynamic online presence. The goal is to drive growth by sharing and creating content that answers questions and piques interest while promoting yourself as the expert.
In the past, counseling and coaching services were in person, but certain events caused people to stay inside. Therefore, the online realm opened up.
While online courses have been available for a while, the pandemic caused everyone to work from home, adapt their schedules, and learn at home. Without the internet, these things aren’t possible.
Some companies use a hybrid approach, as well. They have a website with coaching courses, but they still offer in-person sessions.
Advantages of Life Coach Websites
It’s highly beneficial to build a new coaching website. The site acts as a professional profile because you have the important information available so that inbound visitors learn about you and understand what you do. This is the best way to turn them into clients and make a profit.
Newsletters are another unique option for growing your business and audience. Reach your subscribers through an email campaign to inform them of new products and services.
Build an email list directly from your website!
The biggest advantage of a coaching website is selling your services online. You can sell:
- Books you’ve written
- Personal coaching sessions
- Video courses you’ve already prepared
These ideas can help you attract more clients and build a passive income through your website.
What Should Your business Coach Website Have?
The coaching website should work for you, so you must arrange and compile the content correctly to be successful. In a sense, you provide enough information without being too salesy. It should be like a business card, with a cleverly designed menu and helpful navigation.
Your coaching business has many possible marketing channels. Each coach needs to be on social media, but a website is crucial. It gives you a place online so that clients can visit, promotes growth, and shows you as an expert in the field.
A coaching website requires a few website design elements: ease of use and simplicity. That requires having text people can read, plenty of images, and appropriate colors.
Generally, a website builder helps you do all that, even if you’re alone.
The website must allow you to:
- Sell products (books and videos)
- Help clients contact you
- Host and book online courses
- Showcase testimonials from past satisfied clients
- Introduce yourself
- Share in-depth information about your subject matter
Does a Life Coach Require a Website?
Life coaches are like others. They require online exposure, which means having a well-structured website and social proof. Website visitors must be able to see what you’ve done and how to reach you.
Many life coaches start by word of mouth, but they must develop a broad presence by creating the best online coaching platform that meets their needs. A website lets people browse your information before booking a session. They can also read client testimonials.
These things help them determine if you’re the right life coach for them.
Visitors tend to learn more about your offerings with a correctly structured coaching website!
How Are Regular Websites Different Than Coaching Websites?
Coaching websites use a specific structure to help visitors get their information without hassles. Typically, they use static pages and present the data differently.
Generally, coaching websites feature the about page first, so it’s not at the end of your navigational menu. Your work as the coach is the center of your site instead of a blog or specific product. Others learn more about the person before browsing the rest of that website’s content.
Website builders guide you on how to build the site and generate an excellent end result. The coaching website features static pages and a streamlined look to drive visitors, and the most important is the about page.
Important Pages to Include for your Coaching Business Website
A life coach website should keep the content clear by dividing it into sections and pages. Here are the things you should have on yours:
Homepage and Landing Page
A home page is often called a landing page, and it’s crucial for a coaching website. On the home page, you introduce yourself briefly, provide an overview of the projects, and add testimonials from clients.
In a sense, a home page is the first impression everyone gets when they see your site. Potential clients look for that first section before visiting other pages.
If you want to get new clients, your home page must be in perfect form. Otherwise, people might never leave the main pages and explore the website further.
About Page
A coaching business is often built around the person with expertise that’s valuable to others. An about page helps you introduce yourself thoroughly. That gives your visitors insight into how knowledgeable you are.
The about page of a coaching website can include anything. Most people add information about their educational background, career background, and all the rest.
Typically, the about page is the most important thing for coaches to focus on. Many business websites fail because the about page doesn’t include much or is too cluttered with photos and blocks of text.
Services Page
What about the other pages? Coaching websites often focus most of the attention on the professional, but there’s more to it! The services page is also crucial because visitors can find what you provide.
Overall, this is a very important page for your website. Potential clients like to see informational material, such as PDF brochures, but the service page can also offer data on session times, pricing, and more.
Contact Page
Another important page for your website is the contact page. This is where visitors send you messages, ask questions, and book online sessions.
Your contact page might even ask the user a few questions. Find out what services they require before you even speak to them in person.
Overall, a website without a contact page can’t be successful online.
Blog Page
Apart from the other pages, your coaching website should have a blog. This is where you share thoughts and information about topics relating to your coaching business model.
Typically, a blog page shows potential clients that you’re human, and they can experience the same benefits if they work with you. Each blog post should be relevant to your brand and showcase important information to the visitors about your service.
Bookings Page
Clearly, a services page is significant. Some people don’t think they need a separate bookings page because they have a contact page. However, a great website uses both and can be a place where current clients go to see prepared online courses that can be downloaded immediately.
Steps for Building a New Website
Since coaching websites are so much different than traditional ones, it’s important to understand the steps required to create yours.
Create a Cohesive Brand Online
The first step in building your coaching website is to focus on cohesive branding. This is an exciting and fun process because you can choose the fonts, logo, colors, and illustrations before you dive deep into the creation of your site.
It’s possible to hire a web designer to do this for you, but many online tools help you create a website yourself. Coaches often use WordPress or Canva to get started.
Well-styled Websites Should Have:
Your coaching website should have these things:
A new website requires a logo that’s instantly distinctive and recognizable without being overwhelming. If you’ve just started your coaching career, you might need to spend some time and craft one that’s amazing and unique.
Color Palette
Your life coaching brand colors must evoke emotions with the ideal clients, representing who you are as a person and professional.
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Brand Typography
The typography you use is different from the coaching logo. You utilize it for accents, headers, and subheadings.
Brand Photography
It’s best to use professionally shot or stock photos that bring the coaching brand to life. Make sure it pairs well with the fonts and other elements on the website or page.
Brand Patterns
Patterns are crucial for your website and eBooks. If you sell physical products for your business, you can use them on the packaging, too!
Custom Icons and Illustrations
Icons and illustrations give the brand more visual interest, texture, and personality. Your website will thank you!
The goal is to stand out and have a gorgeous website, so branding isn’t just about your fonts and colors. Personality, depth, and consistency are also important on each page.
Write Website Copy
After completing step one, you should have a brand in place and feel inspired to do more. It’s important to write the website copy for your coaching website.
However, website copy is the hardest part of building your life coaching website. It takes a lot of energy and time to do it right, so don’t rush here. In fact, you may want to hire someone to write those pages for you. Just remember that this is different than a blog.
The first thing is to plan your strategy. A coaching website should make people want to take action. Therefore, you have to guide them through the site each step of the way until they land where you wish them to be.
It’s best to create a site map to keep track of your website and what it offers. This is a chart that helps you map out the journey a person takes while visiting your site.
It starts with a homepage, but it moves through all the other pages you have.
Once you have that, you should write the copy for the pages or hire someone to do so.
While good imagery and design are important so that people stay longer and get a good vibe from you, the copy tells them whether you offer what they require.
tips for Writing
Here are a few tips to help you write perfect copy:
- Focus on a Problem and Solve It – People don’t care about your methodology. Instead, they want you to solve an issue they have.
- Talk Like the Customers – Website content should reflect your client’s voice throughout the pages, so style and tone are important. Visitors must feel like you understand when no one else does.
- Write From the User’s Point of View – When someone visits coaching websites, they could have different intentions. They might want to hire you immediately, learn about your offers, compare you to the other coaches available, and understand your niche. Try to put yourself in their shoes for each page.
Once you’ve got the homepage and other pages written, it’s time to start a blog. Each blog post can help you explain what you do, offer tips on how people can build and grow, and more.
Choose a Template for Your Coaching Website
You have a plan and website copy, so it’s time to choose your coaching website template.
It’s important to choose the best coaching website builder. The easiest platform is called WordPress and the majority of the Internet is built on this platform. WordPress is free and you can then install a great business coaching template on top of it.
Kadence WP is the best template right now. It’s fast and easy for beginners to learn.
They have a ton of great starter templates that are the foundation of the best coaching websites.
I used Kadence to build my website and this change has made everything run a lot smoother. You don’t need any technical knowledge and you can get everything running smoothly in about an hour.
Add Colors, Images, and Copy to the Site
It’s now time to add your colors, branding, images, and copy to your new life coaching website!
You should create an account with your preferred builder and install the template. Now, you can buy a domain and set things up. It often takes a few days to a week before your site goes live, but that’s the last step. Be mindful and go slowly to ensure that everything looks the way you want.
Generally, you must invest some time into learning how to use the editor. WordPress and other options have tutorials to make it easier. Plus, you can see examples. Now, put in your fonts, colors, images, and copy!
The Best Strategy in a Nutshell
Here’s a great strategy to help you focus your energy on your coaching business:
- Add your branding, fonts, and color palette into the builder and start creating the footers and headers.
- Focus on your buying process first, working backward to the homepage. For example, if you prefer one-on-one coaching, you should create the booking process initially.
- The main pages should be last. Tackle the service page, about page, and then the homepage!
You can design your pages in the order you prefer. However, the above-mentioned method often works well for people.
Launch the Coaching Website
There are only three things to do to launch your website:
Publish and Submit
As soon as you publish your site, expect to get a visit from the search engine bots. They are always looking for new sites to add to their directories. My very first site started appearing in the search results within a few weeks.
Announce It
Once the website is published online, you still have to tell your potential clients about your life coaching business.
Tell everyone you know, send links that others can add to their social media accounts, and all the rest. You should also come up with a plan to market yourself so that you can get testimonials.
Celebrate on a Job Well Done
You’ve finally built a website, so it’s time to celebrate. It takes a long time to launch, and as a business coach, you’ve got many other things to do. Wait for people to find you, but take a moment to show pride in your hard work!
Where to Host a Coaching Website
A coach website can be hosted almost anywhere, but you don’t want to make a mistake at this step because changing hosts can be a big hassle. We recommend A2 hosting because they have the best mix of speed, security and backup features with their Turbo Boost Hosting plan. The pricing is really reasonable for what you get.
There are a lot of hosting options, but our research has found that A2 outshines even some of its’ more expensive competitors right now.
Build Your WEbsite
Please read our step-by-step guide to building your first website for the technical process of building your website starting with choosing the perfect domain name.
WordPress has grown a lot in the last decade and you no longer need pagebuilders or a lot of addons to make an amazing website. Almost everything on my website from the landing pages to the popups was built with WordPress and Kadence.
Is WordPress the Best Choice for a Coaching Website?
WordPress is a great option for a coach website because it doesn’t cost much to get started. You can create the site for free and launch it before paying money. Plus, it turns prospects into clients if you build it correctly!
How Do You Attract More Website Visitors to the Page?
A coach website should bring in new clients while satisfying the needs of your current clients. The information throughout this guide should help you create something amazing that wows the crowd.
However, you also need a marketing plan. Once you’ve built the website, you must ensure that your potential client can find it. Therefore, you should focus on SEO, content creation, and promotion. It might take time for the coaching site to be successful. Use specific metrics to measure your performance.
It might be wise to hire a professional SEO expert. Digital marketing companies can assist you so that your coaching website looks good, is found on search engines, and answers the questions people have.
What Is Your Target Audience?
The target audience is the people who struggle to find purpose in life. They may have specific issues, such as losing weight or quitting smoking, and it’s up to you to determine who your prospective clients are.
Here are a few examples:
– A wellness coach focuses on all aspects of a person, such as their mental, – emotional, and physical well-being.
– A health coach focuses more on eating healthily, using supplements, and the like.
– A business coach helps others grow their brands and companies.
Is It too Late to Begin Your Coaching Career?
It’s never too late! Coaches are always in demand because people need a professional who can answer questions. Find more life coaching clients by building a website today!
What Is Social Proof, and Why Do You Need It?
Social proof includes testimonials, case studies, and other things. Your clients explain what happened to them and how you helped.
You put those testimonials on your website to show others what you can do and answer their questions and concerns.
What Is Social Proof, and Why Do You Need It?
Social proof includes testimonials, case studies, and other things. Your clients explain what happened to them and how you helped.
You put those testimonials on your website to show others what you can do and answer their questions and concerns.
Should You Have a Social Media Page?
Every coach website should branch out to social media outlets. You can have share buttons on your blogs or even tweetable quotes that others can put on their accounts.
Plus, you should have those social media pages ready and post information there, too.
Is a Podcast One of the Important Things to Include on the Coaching Website?
While a podcast might not be incredibly important on a coaching site, it should be there if you’re into those things.
Podcasts allow you to speak directly to others. For example, a weight loss coach might have one to give tips to stay-at-home mothers.
It’s important to start building an online presence, and a coach website is the top way to do that! However, you must figure out who your ideal client is, learn what questions and concerns they have, and craft a coaching site that meets their needs.
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Do you want to get more coaching clients? Coaches are found throughout the world, so you must ensure that your homepage is professional and contains testimonials. Then, add a contact form or two and ensure that people who search for your services find your website!
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