Launching Bestsellers on Amazon Part 2: Structure of a Launch
Assemble the Amazon Algorithm Pieces correctly and you can launch your book into the stratosphere…and actually make a profit along the way.
Assemble the Amazon Algorithm Pieces correctly and you can launch your book into the stratosphere…and actually make a profit along the way.
Trying to rank a book for the first time on Amazon can be baffling for a new author. Most authors are creative people and once we finish writing the book, the book is done. But in the life of the independent author, the game is just beginning.
More and more of my followers are from the British Isles and the same question keeps popping up, “Is there something different about selling books in England? Should I change my strategy to sell books to the English?”
There is a reason my audience is growing in the UK and now is a great time to share my strategy with you for:
How to Break into the British Book Market
Start chasing that ball too early and you’re business will never be profitable; wait too long and you’re leaving money on the table. How can you manage this balancing act?
Your time is extremely valuable. Every minute you spend writing should be as profitable as possible. Don’t waste time writing on the wrong topic. You can give your audience EXACTLY what they want….
The faster you write, the more money you make and the more time you can spend with your family doing the things you love the sooner you can hit your goals and the more amazing things that are in front of you.
My first book on Amazon was a disaster. The launch method I learned was incorrect. I followed a broken model and that gave me broken results. I had no strategy for garnering reviews and after the first two weeks, my book disappeared into the back of Amazon, never to be seen again. Or so I thought…
It’s very important to generate as much traffic as possible when you run a Kindle promotion. When launching a new…
Nearly every independent book has an awful cover. Follow these simple principals and your books, podcasts and product boxes will fly off the shelves.
Get paid just for recommending stuff that you already like. That’s the magic of being an affiliate and it’s a lot easier than you think.
You can order my bestseller from Amazon right here …OR