SNM090: Never Enough Time
Sometimes I look at my task manager and I want to drop to my knees and cry. How can one man be so darn busy? How can I possibly achieve my dreams when I have 500 projects that I’m behind on?
I put out 20 podcast episodes, a dozen blog posts, and five products a month and I STILL feel like I’m behind sometimes…but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Are You Wasting Time?
Some of the simplest things we do suck away the majority of our energy.
It’s really the little things that kill our schedules – run on conversations and meaningless phone calls might suck up your day.
But what about those little “conveniences?”
How much time do you spend perusing your email every day?
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How often do you glance at your phone checking for messages?
How many commercials do you watch every day?
Pro Tip – I use Overcast to listen to podcasts because it has a skip forward button. I skip right over everyone else’s commercials…(and yes, it’s ok if you do it to me too.)
You don’t have to try and dramatically change your life overnight.
It’s very hard to add new tasks to your schedule.
Focus on removing first.
Remove the Time Wasters
Instead of promising to write an extra blog post every day, start with eliminating something.
Stop watching commercials, cut back on your email or simply turn off your phone when you go to bed.
These simple tasks will help to lower your stress levels.
As much as you have a fixed amount of time, you also have a fixed amount of stress you can handle and we don’t want to push you beyond that.
Some days I feel the stress as much as the next guy.
In those moments, we think that we have so much to do that we refuse to take a break.
In our efforts to “get more done” we make the problem worse by overdosing on stress.
Build Stress Release into Your Schedule
If I go more than 48 hours without working out my mood changes.
I start to feel the first twinges of depressing, small things upset me and I snap at my wife more.
None of those are good things.
I have a tendency to work seven days a week because there is just so much I want to accomplish.
But we have to remember what’s really important.
I make sure to build in exercise, fun time and movies with the kids.
You don’t want a life that is only about work.
Finding that balance can be tough, but I share a few pearls of wisdom on today’s episode…
Show Notes:
Key Points:
- Track how much time you waste on meaningless tasks
- Do your hobbies lower or increase your stress levels?
- Are your actions in alignment with your goals?
Resources Mentioned:
Most other links can be found in my TOOLBOX
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com
Ready to make your first $1,000 online? You can do it in less than 30 days with my absolutely free guide "Make Your First 1K This Month" Click here to get the guide.
Great Tips. This year I hope to remove a lot of the time-wasters in my life & focus so I complete at-least one project.