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  1. My problem with planning “quickie” books is they end up having more and more time-consuming parts than I planned. I started a mechanics/process of writing guide as something to keep me productive when I needed a break from my “big” (i.e. a traditional 150-200 page) book, figuring it’d be 20-25k words and a few months. Now it’s almost a year old and looking like it’s going to end up being a “big” book.

    And when I finally get done, my “final” draft ends up getting pulled back 3-6 times for typos I missed in the proofreading pass, things I realized I forgot to say, and minor screw-ups in the layout. The fixing of which cuts into my time to be writing my next book (usually about a week).

    1. This can happen and it’s a form of mission creep. Sometimes you have to accept that you can’t put all your ideas into a book. I have books on similar topics because I always have more to say. People prefer to consume books of a certain length and prefer multiple books of that size to one massive monster.