SNM169: Want to Start Making More Money?
Most people don’t think about what they are worth. They scramble to find a job, learn what is required, and do it for minimum wage or a little more. As they move forward in life, they may attain certain skills or go to college for a particular reason.
Usually, they make enough to live comfortably and think nothing of it, but some people desire more. If you want to make more money today, then you have to know what to do and be willing to go all the way.
How to Work for Yourself
If you want to learn how to make more money today, the first thing you have to do is start working for yourself. You’re never going to make the money you desire when you work for someone else. These companies pay you as little as possible to keep you there. In a sense, you’re taking less than you’re worth and think that it is normal or okay.
Of course, you take on considerable risk when you break free from a 9 to 5 job, but you also see bigger rewards. You’ve got to have something to do, such as a podcast or blog. These things are easy to start, don’t take a lot of capital, and can help you launch your new job.
[clickToTweet tweet=”To make more, the first thing you have to do is start working for yourself. You’re never going to make money you desire working for someone else.” quote=”To make more, the first thing you have to do is start working for yourself. You’re never going to make money you desire working for someone else.”]
Ready to make your first $1,000 online? You can do it in less than 30 days with my absolutely free guide "Make Your First 1K This Month" Click here to get the guide.
As you progress, you may even want to hire others. Of course, you own the business and can define your own future, but then you’ve got people working for you. You are more likely to pay fair wages because you understand how it feels when you aren’t paid what you’re worth.
Make Enough Money
Here is the tricky part when you start working for yourself: You have to pay yourself. If you do create a business and end up hiring people, you’re going to pay them, cover any costs you need to run the company, and then give yourself a paycheck (the rest of the money). Therefore, you need to be charging enough for your services or products to do this. Think about how much you are worth an hour right now based on your skills, etc. Now, double or triple that number. That’s what you should be earning every hour. It’s tough to imagine people paying higher prices, but they are willing to if the work is excellent.
If you want to make more money, listen to today’s episode and find out more information.
Show Notes:
Key Points:
- Don’t let others define your worth
- Don’t let others belief limit your potential
- Don’t give up
Resources Mentioned:
Sponsor Pro Writing Aid –
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com
Ready to make your first $1,000 online? You can do it in less than 30 days with my absolutely free guide "Make Your First 1K This Month" Click here to get the guide.