SNM132: The Seven Reasons Most People Fail
Some businesses succeed while others are doomed to failure. Why have so many of the people I started in business with fallen to the wayside? Why do the majority of small businesses fail in the first two years? And how can you be the exception that shoots to the top?
No Man Can Serve Two Masters
We often ascribe success to motivation, but is motivation really enough?
Everybody in the world wants to be rich; nobody ever talks about wanting to be poor.
Yet so many people never move up a single tax bracket, let alone shoot into that elusive top one percent.
The problem is not one of desire; it is one of too much desire.
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Every day there are thousands of choices headed your way, and you want to choose most of them.
You want to watch television, spend time with the kids, work on your business and enjoy your hobbies.
The more directions you pull yourself, the further from success you slide.
A Bit of Sabotage
When we get too close to a success that we think we don’t deserve, we self-sabotage.
Rather than admit that you have a job for which you are under-qualified, you get your boss to fire you.
Whenever the external world is in disagreement with our sense of self, we take action to bring them back into alignment.
Unfortunately, this means that we are often our own worst enemies.
We don’t apply for the promotion we don’t think we deserve and we ignore amazing opportunities because we lack faith.[easy-tweet tweet=”Your success in life is often a measure of your confidence.” user=”ServeNoJonathan” hashtags=”servenomaster”]
Every single president thinks they deserve to be president.
Whatever it Takes
I was just talking today to a new business partner, and she was shocked to discover how long it took me to learn copywriting.
I decided three years ago that I had to learn this craft.
Along the path, I have spent thousands of dollars on courses and coaching.
I have also put in hundreds of hours in free work, just to apprentice with someone a little better.
If there is one lesson that I have learned it’s this:
I’m willing to eat a little “crow” if that’s what it takes to succeed.
There is no job I won’t take if it’s the only way to put food into my kids’ tummies.
Find your core motivation and more on today’s episode…
Show Notes:
Key Points:
- You can avoid the dirty SEVEN
- Align your desire with your actions
- How many ways is your motivation pulling you?
Resources Mentioned:
Most other links can be found in my TOOLBOX
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com
Ready to make your first $1,000 online? You can do it in less than 30 days with my absolutely free guide "Make Your First 1K This Month" Click here to get the guide.