SNM072: My Morning Ritual and the Habit of Success
One of the greatest benefits of working for yourself is also one of the greatest curses.
It’s true what they say about too much of a good thing.
When your life has no obligations time can start to lose meaning.
A few weeks ago I mixed up the days of the week and missed two phone meetings.
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I’ve been working for myself so long that days have no meaning.
Having so much freedom is amazing, but it’s also very easy to slip into lazy habits.
We are so used to an external structure that when we finally escape that prison, we don’t know what to do with ourselves.
How am I so darn productive?
Every single day I accomplish more than most people do in three.
I’m not special, and I don’t use Pomodoro.
I crank out podcast episodes, blog posts and a new product nearly every week.
Just today I recorded two podcast episodes, wrote the rough draft for a new sales letter, edited a few slides for a different new product and found time for a few Skype meetings.
I even took my son for a swim and got a little alone game to play my PlayStation for thirty minutes.
Now that I’m on contract with a video game website, I can count that thirty minutes of PlayStation time as market research. 😉
Before I put structure in my life, I struggled.
I have tried every type of project management solution you can imagine.
The only thing that works for me is simple lists.
At the start of each day I look at my list and choose my top three priorities.
Even though my new book 20K in a Day is due for release on December 1, I didn’t spend any time editing it today.
I decided that my sales page was a higher priority.
The product will be ready sooner and it’s price will be much higher.
So the end value is much higher.
Factor in Your Weaknesses.
One of my greatest weaknesses has always been my copywriting.
Just this morning I was on the phone bouncing a few ideas off my publisher.
We partnered up specifically because I couldn’t write a sentence of copy to save my life when we first met.
After our brainstorming session, he mentioned how much I had turned that around.
Right now I’m a B to a B+ copywriter.
I’m not tier one, but I am certainly not a zero anymore.
One more year and I’m going to be a copy Jedi.
I have been putting in the hours to add that skill to my quiver, and I am already getting high paying copywriting jobs from a few clients.
Set Your Goals
[easy-tweet tweet=”When your goals are ephemeral, your efforts will follow suit.” user=”ServeNoJonathan” hashtags=”servenomaster”]
Many people fail at their goals because they don’t really have one.
I want to make money online.
I want to lose some weight.
These goals are far too nebulous.
Do you want to make a dollar or a million?
Take the time to dial in your goals and apply the techniques from today’s episode to bring the habit of success into your business.
Show Notes:
Key Points:
- Create a morning ritual
- Focus on one primary task each day
- Don’t let free time turn into a curse
Resources Mentioned:
Most other links can be found in my TOOLBOX
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com
Ready to make your first $1,000 online? You can do it in less than 30 days with my absolutely free guide "Make Your First 1K This Month" Click here to get the guide.