SNM151: How to Get Audiobooks For Free
You don’t have to shell out big bucks for audiobooks (even mine!) It turns out that libraries are more than just a place to get yelled at for talking too loud. You can now access your library without leaving your house.
Free Content is the Best Content
Libraries are one of those great resources that so many people have forgotten about. Most of us think of the library as a place to go and use a computer.
It’s the place where someone shouts at you for talking too loud, but at least you get some free Wi-Fi. And yet the library is so much more it’s filled with massive amounts of content.
It’s filled with all of this information and entertainment that is designed to keep the masses educated. It’s a free resource. You can get yourself an Ivy League education using public libraries.
So many of us miss the amazing value that the local public library has to offer.
Audiobooks are the Future
Right now audiobooks are growing faster than any other segment of the market. E-books are dominating. Paperbacks are still doing really, really well and making a bit of a comeback. But audiobooks consistently grow faster than these other two platforms.
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Audiobooks allow you to read without using your eyes.
I spend so much time on the computer, that my eyes get exhausted. I turned to audiobooks to fill that gap…and I’m not the only one.
People Enjoy Audio Content
We are a generation of people who loves our content on demand. From podcasts to television shows to movies, we want to click a button and start enjoying the moment we feel like it.
With an audiobook on your phone, you can absorb the content very quickly. And it’s awesome.
You download the book to your app and you listen to it at your leisure. More people are commuting, more people are traveling, more people are in situations where they want to absorb content through audio.
When I’m sitting on a plane, I love to read a book but when I’m walking through the airport I can’t read at the same time. I have to walk and trudge from gate to gate bored.
Maybe you have to drive to work every day and it’s a nightmare. You have to drive this massive distance to and from work. That’s a great time to listen to an audiobook.
On today’s episode, I’ll be covering exactly how you can get unlimited audio books for free.
Show Notes:
Key Points:
- Start working on something else to cleanse the palate
- Make your outlines one step deeper
- Use free-form writing exercises to release your mind
Resources Mentioned:
Kindle Book Description Generator
Most other links can be found in my TOOLBOX
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com
Ready to leave the job you hate and find the fastest path to online wealth? Learn the best asset you have right now to leverage income and build financial run way in my bestseller "Fire Your Boss." Click here to download the book for free.