SNM047: Are You Healthy
Many people in America choose heart bypass surgery over going on a diet; they choose drastic stomach surgery with a thirty percent failure rate over joining a gym.
We all know that if you control what you eat and exercise you will stay healthy.
Hypertension is the Silent Killer
One of the leading causes of death in America is hypertension. More and more research is showing that it’s the hidden cause behind the other things that kill us like strokes and heart attacks.
There are tens of millions of Americans who have diabetes today and don’t’ even know it.
Take Responsibility
Before you can make any changes in your life. You have to start taking responsibility. When you go to the doctor, do you try and avoid inconvenient truths? Would you rather avoid hearing bad news?
That’s what we do, rather than make a change.
When you follow this path, you become your own boss. Your family depends on you. They need you to live as long as possible.
Do the Research
Every adult should know how to take their blood pressure and track those numbers. Even extremely healthy people can die from high blood pressure if they don’t track it. It costs thirty bucks for a machine or ten bucks to do it manually with a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff.
You can grab both off Amazon in the next five minutes.
Learn the right numbers for your age, gender, and ethnicity.
You are Alone
This job involves working from home with nobody around you. If you don’t actively fight for your body, you could lose your life right when you are about to really enjoy it.
Dont’ let that happen to you…
Key Points:
- Take responsibility for your health
- Learn what your numbers mean
- Be proactive about extending your life
Resources Mentioned:
Send in your questions to podcast [at] servenomaster [dot] com