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  1. I just read your book, “Serve No Master”. This has been the greatest Fire your boss book I have ever read. I think you over delivered in giving examples and practical information in how it can be done. I will join your podcast and have already signed up for boot camp. I am also an educator. I am a fan and would like to become a Menten if you have a spot available. I truly enjoyed this book/wake-up call. Thank you very much! This has left an endelible print in my psyche. I will write a review on my review blog, Good Reads, Amazon, and Netgalley. You are also funny.

  2. Asked for and received your book, Serve No Master for Christmas and I’m looking forward to getting into it. With all of the so called online business experts out there, I have decided to place my trust in you and Pat Flynn as my sources for learning the ins and outs of creating a successful business.

    Love the podcast and I want to thank you for all you do. Looking forward to a successful 2017!

  3. I just read ServenoMaster and thoroughly enjoyed it. I like your no-nonsense style, combined with humor and your real-life examples that show what I want can be had.

    I’ve had a few false starts, good ideas and not so good ones and have been the victim of my own lack of focus/blurry vision, but I think I may have found a compass. Thanks Johnathan!